Monday, March 14, 2011


CASPER PLEXICO: So sneaky he's like a ghost! Yet so cool, manly, and aloof! And he wears a duster, and has a bionic arm with grappling hand mechanism a la Bionic commando. Oh, and a bionic eye with infrared, lowlite(tm) vision, telescopic analysis with image enhancement and to top it off, can plug into his rifle directly for ultra-sniping capabilities. HO YEAH.

Made for the cyberpunk 2020 TTRPG.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Great Escape v3

Kinda taking too long on this one. But it's a large scene with lot's of small details, so I guess I should have expected as much. And I had to go find pictures of Gothic Church Steeples to get that 40k "Everything-is-a-church" look. Now all that's left is the shading! I like to look at all the iterations of this piece next to each other, you can really see the evolution of the lines and details. Oops, and I just noticed that the Aquilas wings are a bit off. Crap, oh well, I'll fix it tomorrow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Great Escape v2

Now with extra explodey goodness! I gotta fix that Aquila symbol on the front, but I can't remember how to draw an eagles head in profile. Also, how does that explosion look at the moment? I still need to shade this shiz-nigh (No more blending, I'll be going with what I'm good at for now) and add the stars.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Great Escape, V1

The initial sketch of a scene of Wolfe Severus, Psyker Extraordinaire, attempting to pilot himself and his party of Inquisitorial Acolytes away from an exploding space station in a rapidly decaying orbit over the world of Quaddis. Inspired by events from the Dark Heresy TTRPG, and the buffoonery of my friends playing it! Gotta fix that right tower, angle isn't right...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gunmetal Widow v2.0

Much improved, yes?

Added a little shading, hardened the lines, and shrunk the "hoohahs" down and gave them a different texture.  Will post the final shaded version tomorrow, I wanna go work on other drawings now. Any last words before it's done?