Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting Started

Ahhhh, finally got around to making a blog... I sound like a huge douche when I say that, don't I? As if people I don't know will care about, or even WANT, my opinions. But this is not about opinions, it's about my art, and hopefully I'll get better as time goes on.

This picture is a sketch of an Iron Heart, robotic steampunk entities from a TTRPG I've been working on with a good friend. True, I haven't really done much with the TTRPG for a few months, but I added finishing that onto my New Years Resolution list, so that GUARANTEES that it'll get done, no sweat! Right? Wrong. No, right! I'm gonna stop here before I start to sound any weirder.


  1. This guy is cool looking, nice shapes and nifty concept design. Feelin' a bit of steam punk mixed with some serious HEAVY METAL!!!!!!

    Fire.....RAINING from the skies while Heaven and HELL COLLIDEEEE~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

    This dude is the cause of it all!

  2. Awwwwwww JEAH! You KNOW IT, bruddah! FIST POUND
