Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Meet Gunner

Kind of incongruous to name a guy who primarily uses swords Gunner, but that's Tim for you! You can tell he's holding one of those Hannibal Lecter mask things in his left (stage left) hand, right? Well, I dunno, gotta see if this is how my friend imagined him, don't wanna waste charcoal shading it if it isn't. Critiques?


  1. Hmmmm The face looks pretty cool, but it seems like you've just stopped there. Don't be afraid to explore rendering the rest of the body by trying to find reference. Sometimes it just not all in your head if you get me.

    And for a moment there that mask thing looked like it was his arm and your were trying some funky foreshortening XD

    Otherwise good stuff dood face.

  2. When I say "critique", I really mean "pretend you like it even if it's crap and praise me for it." Life is WAY easier if everyone just lives by that rule! XD

    But seriously, thanks for the advice. Although for the record, I DID stop halfway, as Tim said he imagined Gunner with a thinner face, and an exploding collar around his neck. I'll have to apply all this on the next iteration!

  3. Sweet deal son, I'll look forward to seeing it :)
